CSS Fonts
The following should appear as circular symbols rather than text.
add_circle remove_circle cancel check_circle
The following lines should all show different fonts.
Rye remote download woff2
Default sans-serif
Default serif
Default typewriter (monospaced)
Default fantasy
CSS Shapes
Example taken from the
MDN docs.
This should show a right-angle isosceles triangle in maroon with text flowing
diagonally along the edge of the shape. The shape feature was introduced in ESR60.
The text flow feature was introduced in ESR62.
We are not quite sure of any one thing in biology; our knowledge of geology
is relatively very slight, and the economic laws of society are
uncertain to every one except some individual who attempts to set them
forth; but before the world was fashioned the square on the hypotenuse
was equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides of a right
triangle, and it will be so after this world is dead; and the inhabitant
of Mars, if he exists, probably knows its truth as we know it.
Don't return null from getComputedStyle when there's no presentation test
is adapted from the mozilla bug.